Monday, November 5, 2012

Still Life Drawing♥

Still Life Drawing; was by far the hardest project I have had to draw. I liked having to focus on something, and then having to put in onto your own paper. I feel I did better than some others on this project, but my biggest problem was the shading. Shading to me, is very, very, difficult. You have to find where your light source is coming from, and then put it in affect, and try to find where your dark spots are, and where you have to draw the lightest shade. I think, if I had spent more time on the shading, my overall project would have turned out better. If i could redo this Still Life Drawing, I would ask for more time. Time seems to go by way fast when doing these types of projects. What have I learned from this project? I learned, how to draw still life things, like, pots, pans, cups, candles, etc. I really hope there is another project somewhat like this.♥

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